Dream. Believe. Achieve.
Enrollment Guide
Congratulations on accepting the Sunburst ChalleNGe. There is still a lot of work to be done in order to complete your enrollment into the Academy. There are two separate components to enrolling that are separate from the Sunburst Application. The first is to complete the enrollment into OCDE. This will allow your student to be officially enrolled into our high school. The second component is to complete the Sunburst enrollment forms so that we can best serve your student's needs while at the academy.
Important Dates:
Intake Day: July 13th.
D Group: Females. Start Time: 08:00 am
C Group: Males. Start Time: 10:00 am
B Group: Males. Start Time: 12:00 pm
A Group: Males. Start Time: 2:00 pm
Please Note: One parent/guardian and student allowed only. Must be wearing face masks. Bring all items you have been able to purchase as well as the education donation items. Applicants should be wearing the designated uniform as described in the packing list (white polo, black slacks, black belt, black socks, tennis shoes, no makeup, jewelry, etc).
IMPORTANT! If you are a Male in groups A or B you need to fill out and this document to us by noon tomorrow! Email the document to admissions@sunburstyouthacadmy.com
Step 1.
Education Enrollment Documents
Download and complete the enrollment forms and use Adobe Signature to sign all documents. You can download the latest version of Adobe by clicking on the link above. You must save the signed, completed Enrollment Forms to your computer before submitting in the Education Document Uploader. Please complete these forms immediately and submit. These are the most important forms.
You must also submit the documents listed in the Required Docs tab. Please follow the instructions in detail. Some of the forms may have already been submitted however OCDE requires that you submit a separate copy to them.
The educational Supply Donations List is separate from the Sunburst Packing List. Please bring these donations in a separate bag for drop off during Pre-Intake.
If anyone has any questions regarding school enrollment & required docs they can call the main office (714) 796-8780 or email sunburstrecords6@gmail.com
Step #3
Packing List
Sunburst will provide much of what the student will need throughout their residency. You will need to purchase some of your own personal items. The Sunburst Packing List is a list of items you will need to purchase on your own and bring with you to Pre-Intake Day. The items on the Packing List are the ONLY items you are allowed to bring with you. If it is not listed on the Packing List, it is not allowed at the program. You will bring these items with you in double bagged trash bags on Pre-Intake Day. The instructions are also detailedin the list.
1. Download Packing List
Bring all items with you on Pre-Intake Day.
2. Complete Foundation Registration
For Foundation Use.
3. Submit Payment Here
Receipts Provided.
Step #5
Important Dates:
Please keep track of important dates that we will update on this calendar.