Dream. Believe. Achieve.
If you have questions and would like to inquire more about the program, please use the directory below to find the proper department that suits your needs.
Admissions Department
For general admissions questions or to inquire information about the program, please contact:
Phone: (562) 936-1759
Email: admissions@sunburstyouthacademy.com
Mentors/Case Management
Mentors of current students, please contact:
Email: casemanagers@sunburstyouthacademy.com
A Group/Wolfpack: SGT Gonzalez, Viviana
B Group/Chargers: SSG Carballo, David
C Group/Bruins: SSG Garcia, Luis
D Group/Firehawks: SSG Grossman, Eric
Counseling Department
For parents of students currently enrolled, please contact your student's counselor at:
Email: admissions@sunburstyouthacademy.com
A Group/Wolfpack: Chief Spence
B Group/Chargers: Chief Spence/Lee
C Group/Bruins: Chief Santin
D Group/Firehawks: Chief Lee
Education Department
Schools Requesting Official Transcripts please
fax requests to:
Fax: (714) 327-0387
For enrollment verification and CIF GPA verifications please contact:
Email: sunburstrecords6@gmail.com
Sunburst Graduates
For students/parents looking to request official
transcripts, please fill out the form below and send to:
Office: (714) 547-9972
Fax: (714) 327-0387
Email: accesstranscripts@ocde.us
Community Resource Specialist
For parents of students currently enrolled who are looking for resource referrals or Community Partners looking to collaborate, please contact:
Katelyn Brazer
Email: kbrazer@ocde.us