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Covid Testing and Safety Procedures


Every child's health, welfare and safety are Sunburst's top priority.  We are doing everything within our ability to ensure all precautionary steps are taken to prevent the Coronavirus from entering our facility.  Staff members are screened daily and tested weekly.  We have purchased state of the art sanitizing equipment and conduct deep cleaning daily.  Sunburst is a sterile environment.  This means that no one outside of our organization is allowed interaction with the cadets.  Social distancing and face masks are implemented into every single activity the students participate in.  


We can't do this alone.  There is no greater opportunity for the virus to enter our program than on Intake Day.  While there is no full proof method to prevent this, we are attempting to identify any positive cases or exposures prior to the students Intake Day to minimize the risk.  Please monitor your behavior over the next couple of weeks and limit any activities that may increase the risk to exposure.  


We ask that all students are tested between Jan 22nd and Jan 25th.   


Once test results are received, please complete the following form for our medical team.  Remember, if you are exposed or test positive that will not prohibit a student from attending the academy.  A specific intake procedure will be designed for you based on your circumstances.  A link to free testing sites by county is provided below.

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